The dipion transitions Υ(2S, 3S, 4S) → Υ(1S, 2S)ππ are systemaically studied by considering the mechanisms of the hadronization of soft gluons, exchanging the bottomoniumlike Z b states, and the bottom-meson loops. The strong pion-pion final-state interaction, especially including the channel coupling to KK in the S-wave, is taken into account in a model-independent way using the dispersion theory. Through fitting to the available experimental data, we extract values of the transition chromopolarizabilities |α Υ(mS)Υ(nS) |, which measure the chromoelectric couplings of the bottomonia with soft gluons. It is found that the Z b exchange has a large impact on the extracted chromopolarizablity values. The obtained |α Υ(2S)Υ(1S) | considering the Z b exchange is (2.9 ± 2.0) × 10 −2 GeV −3 , about one order of magnitude smaller than the one without considering the Z b exchange effect. This indicates that the interactions of bottomonia with light hadrons through exchanging soft gluons are very weak, and the u-channel exchange of the Z b states should be much more important for the Υπ scattering than the t-channel soft-gluon exchange.