Approaches are given to making dynamic asynchronous frequency controlled asynchronous electric drives with scalar open loop control systems energy efficient. Questions of formulating special scalar control laws designed for operation in dynamic regimes (start brake regimes) are discussed. A defi nition of integral criteria of efficiency of electromagnetic transformation is given. The efficiency of the fol lowing control laws is considered from the standpoint of the above criteria: a law obtained based on static motor equations, a law obtained from dynamic motor equations, and a law with initial magnetization of an asynchronous motor by a low frequency voltage. Reasonable ranges of applications of these laws are deter mined. It is shown that the use of premagnetization provides significant inrush stator reduction, at the beginning of starting of which it becomes possible to additionally reduce losses in the motor and improve the moment to current ratio. Moreover, the additional losses caused by premagnetization are significantly less than the losses caused by inrush current at the initial stage of the process in traditional systems. Results of simulation are provided.