“…NAT2 is also responsible Financial support: FAPERJ/PRONEX (E-26/170.0003/2008), FAPERJ Pensa Rio (E-26/110.288/2007), CNPq (308786/2005-0, 350477/1995-7, 306702/2007-0 and 312165/2006for converting acetylhydrazine to diacetylhydrazine, a nontoxic component , Nelson et al 1976, Woodward & Timbrell 1984 (Figure). Glutathione S-transferase (GST), an important phase II detoxification enzyme, is thought to play a protective role as an intracellular free radical scavenger, which conjugates glutathione with toxic metabolites that are generated from CYP2E1 (Sodhi et al 1996). Sulphydryl conjugation facilitates the elimination of metabolites from the body and reduces the toxic effect (Hayes et al 2005) (Figure).…”