Arrays of transparent, releasable micron-scale structures termed "microcups" were created for the purpose of patterning and isolating viable cells from small cell samples. Cells were captured by the microcups without the need for barriers or walls on the intervening substrate. Furthermore, in contrast to prior methods for creating cell arrays with releasable elements, no chemical modification of the substrate was required. Individual microcups were released from the array using a pulsed laser at very low energy. Improvements in microcup design enabled cells in suspension to be loaded into the microcups with greater than 90% efficiency. Cells cultured within the microcups displayed 100% viability and were cultured over 4 days yielding colonies that remained sequestered within the microcups to generate pure clonal populations. Standard microscopic imaging was used to identify cells or colonies of interest, and the microcups containing these cells were then released and collected. Individual target cells isolated in this manner remained viable as demonstrated by clonal expansion of 100% of collected cells. Direct comparisons with cell isolation by fluorescence-activated cell sorting and magnetic-bead-based isolation systems demonstrated that the microcup cell isolation procedure yielded higher purity, yield and viability than these standard technologies when separating samples with small numbers of cells. The power of this technique was demonstrated by the isolation of hematopoietic stem cells from a human bone marrow aspirate possessing only 4,000 total cells.Microfabricated arrays for patterning cells have been extensively described in the literature as they are ideal tools for performing fundamental studies of subcellular, intracellular and cell surface interactions. Applications range from patterning of neuronal networks, 1, 2 control of spindle formation, 3 stem cell studies, 4-9 gene expression monitoring, [10][11][12] design and manufacture of implant biomaterial, 13 drug screening, [14][15][16] and cell-based biosensors. 17,18 One general scheme for cell arraying employs modifying the array surface to create regions permissive to cell attachment and growth with non-permissive areas surrounding these regions. Such patterned surfaces can be created by microcontact printing, 19 photolithography, 20 injection bioprinting, 9, 21 optical tweezers,22 or magnetic forces.8 These surfaces have been used to create arrays of single or groups of cells, and have been used to control cell and colony morphology. This approach is used for adherent cell types that naturally grow attached to a surface.19 , 23 A drawback to these arrays is that under most circumstances individual cells displaying a unique attribute (cell surface marker, morphology, etc.) cannot be isolated for further study due to their attachment to the culture surface. Recently, Revzin's group successfully demonstrated the isolation of groups of cultured hepatocytes for genetic analysis from a micropatterned glass surface using a commercial laser mic...