densities and viscosities of nicotinic acid in pure water and
aqueous d-xylose/l-arabinose solutions at temperatures
from 293.15 to 313.15 K and the refractive indices of these mixed
solutions at 298.15 K were measured under atmospheric pressure. Furthermore,
these experimentally measured values of density were used to calculate
the apparent molar volume, limiting partial molar volume, and transfer
partial molar volume. The Jones–Dole coefficients, namely,
viscosity B coefficients, and the variation of B coefficients with temperature were calculated from the
experimentally measured values of viscosity according to the Jones–Dole
equation. The experimentally measured refractive indices were used
to calculate the molar refractions. The above-mentioned parameters
and their variation trends are discussed in terms of solute–solute
and solute–solvent interactions. The results show that nicotinic
acid plays a structure-breaking role in the aqueous carbohydrate solutions
studied herein.