The projectile-like fragments emitted in the 4~ + 68Zn reaction performed at 14.6, 19.6, 27.6 and 35 MeV/nucleon are studied. Their energy spectra and angular distributions have been measured. Velocities, widths of the linear momentum distributions and cross sections have been deduced. The results are discussed i) in terms of transfer of a few nucleons and analysed with a diffractional model. They are consistent, for stripping reactions, with a direct transfer of nucleons and a target excitation yielding multiparticlemultihole configurations, ii) In terms of projectile fragmentation-like process with a modified abrasion model taking into account the energy separation of the participant nucleons. The projectile fragmentation-like process appears above 20 MeV/nucleon and strongly competes with transfer of nucleons at 35 MeV/nucleon. The evolution of the mechanisms with incident energy is discussed on the basis of the reduced widths of the linear momentum distributions and on those of velocities and cross sections.