The idea of partial MAC values has become part of the clinical jargon, and it is-more or less-an accurate reflection of partial potency because the slopes of the relationships for sevoflurane and isoflurane are quite similar. Moreover, it is common practice for patients as well as animals to use MAC multiples to compare the effects of various inhalational anesthetics on a wide variety of physiologic endpoints-for example, brain acetylcholine level, 5 cerebral blood flow, 6 vasoconstriction, 7 cardiac function, 8 and hemodynamics. 9 In fact, many reviewers insist on the use of MAC multiples.As Dr. Cross suggests, in terms of equal points on two separate dose-response curves for our study, a more precise comparison would have been 1 MAC isoflurane versus 1 MAC sevoflurane. Unfortunately, neonatal mice do not tolerate prolonged exposure to isoflurane at 1 MAC without developing confounding physiologic derangements.10 Thus, we used a lower concentration, that, by design, is commonly used clinically. This clinical applicability was an essential goal of our study, to compare the neurotoxicity of two agents at concentrations used clinically. We certainly agree with Dr. Cross that a more thorough method of comparing anesthetic neurotoxic potency would involve constructing full doseresponse curves for apoptosis (or other endpoints) for each agent. Nevertheless, our results speak to common clinical practice as the immediate goal. We recognize that further work is necessary to establish the comparative mechanistic basis for these findings.