Objective: Current research work aimed to develop a formulation of red ginger into a stable soap preparation, effective as an antibacterial and safe for long-term use.
Methods: The maceration method was used to extract red ginger rhizome. In the formulation, there are variations in the concentration of the extract, where Formulation I (FI) 3%, Formulation II (FII) 5%, Formulation III (FIII) 7%, and Formulation IV (FIV) 0%. The evaluation of the preparation includes tests such as sensory evaluation, homogeneity, pH, viscosity and flow properties, density, foam height, and stability, as well as antibacterial activity using the agar diffusion method against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25932 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922.
Results: The percentage of extract yield obtained was 2.38%. All three formulations of soap have shown good stability during the 28-day evaluation (significant>0.05), indicating no significant changes during storage, and the inhibitory power of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 bacteria in the three successive formulations was 9.03±0.4; 12.21±0.3; 15.26±0.4 (mm) respectively, while that of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 was 6.01±0.6; 10.32±0.4; 12.58±0.6 (mm).
Conclusion: The evaluation results, all formulations have good stability during storage. The variation in concentration of red ginger extract will affect the inhibitory power against test bacteria. F III, with an extract content of 7% has better antibacterial activity compared to other formulations.