The NO x adsorption mechanism on Pt/BaO/Al 2 O 3 catalysts was investigated by performing NO x storage/reduction cycles, NO 2 adsorption and NO + O 2 adsorption on 2%Pt=ðxÞBaO/Al 2 O 3 (x = 2, 8, and 20 wt%) catalysts. NO x uptake profiles on 2%Pt=20%BaO/Al 2 O 3 at 523 K show complete uptake behavior for almost 5 min, and then the NO x level starts gradually increasing with time and it reaches 75% of the inlet NO x concentration after 30 min time-on-stream. Although this catalyst shows fairly high NO x conversion at 523 K, only $2.4 wt% out of 20 wt% BaO is converted toBa(NO 3 Þ 2 . Adsorption studies by using NO 2 and NO + O 2 suggest two different NO x adsorption mechanisms. The NO 2 uptake profile on 2%Pt=20%BaO/Al 2 O 3 shows the absence of a complete NO x uptake period at the beginning of adsorption and the overall NO x uptake is controlled by the gassolid equilibrium between NO 2 and BaO/BaðNO 3 Þ 2 phase. When we use NO + O 2 , complete initial NO x uptake occurs and the time it takes to convert $4% of BaO to BaðNO 3 Þ 2 is independent of the NO concentration. These NO x uptake characteristics suggest that the NO + O 2 reaction on the surface of Pt particles produces NO 2 that is subsequently transferred to the neighboring BaO phase by spill over. At the beginning of the NO x uptake, this spill-over process is very fast and so it is able to provide complete NO x storage. However, the NO x uptake by this mechanism slows down as BaO in the vicinity of Pt particles are converted to BaðNO 3 Þ 2 . The formation of BaðNO 3 Þ 2 around the Pt particles results in the development of a diffusion barrier for NO 2 , and increases the probability of NO 2 desorption and consequently, the beginning of NO x slip. As NO x uptake by NO 2 spill-over mechanism slows down due to the diffusion barrier formation, the rate and extent of NO 2 uptake are determined by the diffusion rate of nitrate ions into the BaO bulk, which, in turn, is determined by the gas phase NO 2 concentration.