Abstract-As key components of the train control system, balise and Balise Transmission Module (BTM) cooperate with each other and fulfill the ground-train information transmission to ensure the safety and reliability of train operation. Aiming at the requirements for future developments of high-speed railway, this paper builds the model for the dynamic transmission process of the balise tele-powering signal using finite element method and electromagnetic field theory, respectively. The paper analyzes the change law of the magnetic flux density distribution within the balise receiving antenna, and derives expressions for the balise induced voltage amplitude envelope based on train speed. Then, the paper carries out the performance optimization to the existing balise system from two perspectives of the balise mounting style and the BTM mounting height. Experiments show that the proposed optimization measures can substantially enhance the system's adaptability to the ever-increasing train operation speed from the existing 448 km/h to 523 km/h. Furthermore, a potential optimization scheme with respect to the BTM mounting angle which enables huge promotion of the system performance is also discussed and proposed.