“…Dog skulls from the Desyatinniy excavation site. Arrows show the absence of incisors, canines and the last two molars, fallen out during the life of the animal (after Zinoviev, 2012 SL, skull length; GBL, condylobasal length; BL, basal length; CL, cranial length; NL, neurocranium length; UNL, upper neurocranim length; VCL, viscerocranium length; FL, facial length; GLN, greatest length of the nasals; SnL, snout length; MPL, median palatal length; PL, palatal length; LHP, length of the horizontal part of the palatine; LMR, length of the molar row; LPR, length of the premolar raw; GMW, greatest mastoid width; BEAM, breadth dorsal to the external auditory meatus; MWOC, maximum width of the occipital condyles; GBJP, greatest breadth of the bases of the jugular processes; MWFM, maximum width of the foramen magnum; HFM, height of the foramen magnum; LDN, length of the dorsal notch of the foramen magnum, MWN, maximum width of neurocranium; MZW, maximum zygomatic width; LBS, least breadth of the skull; FB, frontal breadth; LBO, least breadth between the orbits; GPB, greatest palatal breadth; LPB, least palatal breadth; SH, skull height; SHWS, skull height without the sagittal crest; HOT, height of the occipital triangle.…”