Abstract:The electron donor-acceptor (EDA) interaction between TCNE and naphthalene (Naph) in rz-hexane and reverse micelles of AOT in n-hexane was studied by UV-visible spectroscopy with the aim of determining the influence of the micellar media on the EDA interaction. The spectra of the mixtures of TCNE-Naph in 11-hexane show two typical maxima at 418 and 534 nm, assigned to the formation of a T-IT EDA complex. In the micellar media a new band is observed at 398 nm. When the spectra of TCNE in 11-hexane are studied in the presence of AOT two new bands at 398 and 4 18 nm are detected. These bands are consistent with an EDA interaction between TCNE and AOT as 11-donor. The stability constants of this interaction were calculated for AOT concentrations below the CMC and in the micellar media at differentThe results give evidence of the tendency of AOT to interact very strongly with electron acceptors. Moreover, in the system TCNE-Naph in the micellar media it is shown that Naph and AOT compete to form a complex with TCNE. The formation constants of the complexes of AOT-Naph in the micelle system were determined at W = 0 and 5. Despite the competition of AOT for TCNE the stability constant for the complex TCNE-Naph is higher than in homogeneous media, probably due to the high local concentration of the acceptor in the micelle.Key rvords : reverse micelles, aerosol-OT, tetracyanoethylene, naphthalene, electron donor-acceptor complexes. De plus, on a montrC que, dans le systkme TCNE-Naph en milieu micellaire, Naph et AOT sont en competition pour former un complexe avec TCNE. On a determink les constantes de formation des complexes AOT-Naph W = 0 et 5. MalgrC la compCtition de AOT pour TCNE, la constante de stabilitC pour le complexe TCNE-Naph est plus ClevCe dans le milieu homogkne, probablement en raison de la concentration locale plus ClevCe de I'accepteur dans la micelle.