Based on (3.79 ± 0.31) × 10 6 ψ ′ data sets collected with the BES detector at BEPC, the recent ψ ′ , χ cJ and η c results from BES are presented. Some results are compared with NRQCD.
Studies of ψ ′ DecaysCharmonium physics is always one of the interesting and intriguing fields of particle physics. Charmonium provides us an excellent and simple system to study QCD, the production and decay mechanisms of heavy quarkonia and light hadron spectra from its decays, and can be treated nonrelativistically and perturbatively. Using (3.79 ± 0.31) × 10 6 ψ ′ sample collected with the BEijing Spectrometer (BES) at BEPC, the recent ψ ′ , χ c and η c results are presented. The BES detector is described in detail in Ref. [1].Out of the charmonium decays, there exists a mysterious and longstanding ρπ puzzle of J/ψ and ψ ′ decays [2], first revealed by Mark-II Collaboration. In QCD, both ψ ′ and J/ψ decays are expected to be dominated by annihilations into three gluons. Based on the similarity between the ψ ′ and J/ψ wave functions and the slow running of the strong interaction coupling constant α s , the non-relativistic perturbative QCD predicts [3]: the ratios of the decays widths of ψ ′ into hadrons to those of J/ψ into hadrons are:= (14.7 ± 2.3)% named as the "14%" rule. Mark II first observed the vector-pseudoscalar (V for vector, P pseudoscalar, B baryon, A axial-vector and T tensor) ρπ and K