The results of an experimental work aimed at improving the performance of the CR-39 nuclear track detector for neutron dosimetry applications are reported. A set of CR-39 plastic detectors was exposed to 252 Cf neutron source, which has the emission rate of 0.68 × 10 8 s −1 , and neutron dose equivalent rate 1 m apart from the source is equal to 3.8 mrem/h. The detection of fast neutrons performed with CR-39 detector foils, subsequent chemical etching and evaluation of the etched tracks by an automatic track counting system was studied. It is found that the track density increases with the increase of neutron dose and etching time. The track density in the detector is directly proportional to the neutron fluence producing the recoil tracks, provided the track density is in the countable range. This fact plays an important role in determining the equivalent dose in the field of neutron dosimetry. These results are compared with previous work. It is found that our results are in good agreement with their investigations.
Keywords. Neutron response; poly allyl diglycol carbonate etched track detectors; track density PACS Nos 29.40.Gx; 29.40.Mc; 29.40.Wk; 29.90.+r