Complete resonance assignments of the proton NMR spectrum of gonadoliberin (in its native amide and free acid forms) have been obtained using two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy under three different environmental conditions, namely, dimethyl sulphoxide solution, aqueous solution and lipid-bound form in model membranes. The proton chemical shifts in the three cases have been compared to derive information about inherent conformational characteristics of the molecule. It has been inferred that the molecule possesses no short-range or long-range order under any of the three solvent conditions. However, there is a nonspecific increase in the linewidths when gonadoliberin is bound to model membranes, indicating a reduced internal motion in the molecule due to lipid-peptide interactions.Conadoliberin is a hypothalamic peptide consisting of a linear chain of ten amino acid residues ( M , = 1170). Its primary sequence has been established to be Glp-His-Trp-SerTyr-Gly-Leu-Arg-Pro-Gly-NH2. The hormone, which plays a pivotal role in mammalian reproduction, regulates the secretion of folitropin and lutropin from pitutary. Folitropin and lutropin, in turn, regulate the production of sex steroids, thereby controlling spermatogenesis in the male and ovulation in the female. A major interest in contraception research has therefore focussed on this small peptide [l].The native peptide lacks free terminal carboxyl groups. The hormone as well as its numerous analogues, agonists or antagonists, have been synthesised and studied. Substitutions with D-amino acids at specific positions, particularly at 2, 6 or 10, drastically alter the biological activity of the peptide [2]. Recently, a bioactive anti-gonadoliberin monoclonal antibody, which blocks ovulation in rats and prevents estrus in dogs, has been shown to recognise, though poorly, gonadoliberin peptide with a free carboxyl group at C-terminal or its different fragments (residues 4-6, 7-10 and 4 -10). This may suggest that the relevant epitope comprises a conformation involving the entire molecule [3].To understand the structure-function relationships of the hormone, extensive studies on the conformation in different solvents have been carried out [4-lo]. However, no unequivocal structure could be established for the decapeptide from such studies. Using model building [l 1 ,121 and potential energy calculations [13], a folded structure with a p bend has been suggested for the active form. In this structure, the Nand the C-terminals are in close proximity.In view of these interesting observations, we have undertaken a comparative study of the native peptide (gonadoiiberin-NH,) and its free acid (gonadoliberin-OH) using twodimensional NMR spectroscopy. Resonance assignments The spectra of only the native amide are described in detail since the spectral characteristics of the free acid are very similar to those of the amide.
Sample preparationFor all NMR experiments on gonadoliberin-NH2 in (CD3)2S0 and DzO, a concentration of 12 mM was p...