Taiwan Light Source (TLS) has been service for user service since 1993. Several legacy systems have recently been updated in order to remove obsolescent parts and provide higher operating efficiency. Proprietary designed timing modules were recently replaced by an event based timing system. The magnets of the booster synchrotron were configured as three White circuits and driven by resonance excitation. The original control of the White circuits, which included an analogue amplitude loop and digital phase loop for regulation, has been replaced by full digital regulation loops. The successful upgrade of both systems has led to easy and smooth injection control with enhanced functionality and flexibility. The injection control includes foreground and background processes that coordinate the operation of e-gun, linear accelerator, booster synchrotron, and storage ring with the help of timing system. The injection control GUI provides an intuitive operation interface that includes parameter setting and all necessary information displays, such as various timing value, stored beam current/lifetime, injection efficiency, filling pattern, kickers waveform and so on. Energy saving mode of White circuits operation are supported and embedded into injection control to save electricity. Lifetime calculation of the storage ring is also synchronized with the injection process. Implementation details and operation experience will be presented.