We illustrate the state of the art in time-dependent calculations on systems of chemical interest.In particular, our exposition covers the Gaussian multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree/variational multiconfiguration Gaussian approach in nuclear dynamics, where the scope is that of explaining dynamical effects in various physicochemical processes. Conversely, the Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus/master equation kinetic methods are also examined, used to calculate rate constants of gas phase processes (used in the modeling of combustion, atmospheric, and astrochemical processes). Conversely, when one wants to study properties of a system as it is prepared in specific initial conditions, time-dependent calculations are typically the way to proceed. When one is interested in the detailed distribution of energy among degrees of freedom and its consequences in terms of physicochemical effects, one can perform accurate quasiclassical or quantum dynamical calculations. Alternatively, if one is interested in statistically averaged evolution, one enters the realm of kinetics, where master equation calculations with the aim to calculate the rate of production of a specific species under well-defined conditions of temperature and pressure.In this article, we present some of the current exploits in timedependent calculations, both in terms of quantum dynamics and kinetics, illustrating them with some of our latest results.
| Q U A N T U M D Y N A M IC SEven though quasiclassical dynamics tends to give qualitatively good results, it can never faithfully reproduce quantum effects. Thus, effects such as quantum tunneling, scattering resonances, interference, and so forth can only be quantitatively accounted for by the use of quantum dynamics.For the case of quantum dynamics it is a wavefunction that is propagated in time, which is a function of the N degrees of freedom comprising the system of interest. When the number of degrees of freedom is limited (typically less than 6) an exact wavepacket calculation can be performed, whereby the basis set consists of discrete variable representation (DVR) functions localized throughout the whole coordinate space. [1][2][3][4][5][6] Such an approach has been highly successful in the treatment of elementary (3-and 4-atom) reaction dynamics as it furnishes a detailed picture of the exact process of scattering.When the number of degrees of freedom exceeds 5-6, an exact wavepacket calculation is, for all practical purposes, no longer feasi-