The synthesis of transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA) was examined during spore formation and spore outgrowth in Bacillus subtilis by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of in vivo 32P-labeled RNA. The two-dimensional gel system separated the B. subtilis tRNA's into 32 well-resolved spots, with the relative abundances ranging from 0.9 to 17% of the total. There were several spots (five to six) resolved which were not quantitated due to their low abundance. All of the tRNA species resolved by this gel system were synthesized at every stage examined, including vegetative growth, different stages of sporulation, and different stages of outgrowth. Quantitation of the separated tRNA's showed that in general the tRNA species were present in approximately the same relative abundances at the different developmental periods. tRNA turnover and comt Present address: