The L i -͑i =1-3͒ subshell x-ray spectra for the 52 Te, 53 I, 55 Cs, 56 Ba, and 57 La elements excited by Mn K␣ ͑E K␣ 2 = 5.888 keV and E K␣ 1 = 5.899 keV͒ x rays have been investigated using the 55 Fe radioisotope in conjunction with a Cr absorber. A low-energy Ge detector was used to measure the L x rays at an emission angle = 126°, where the second-order Legendre polynomial term P 2 ͑cos ͒ associated with the angular distribution is annulled. In the case of the 56 Ba and 57 La elements, alignment of the L 3 -subshell vacancy states was investigated through angular distribution measurements of the emitted L 3 -subshell x rays. The L␣ 1,2 and L 2,15 x-ray groups are observed to be nearly isotropic, while the data for the pure Ll ͑L 3 -M 1 ͒ x-ray emission are indicative of a small anisotropic trend, though within experimental error. The integral x-ray fluorescence cross sections are deduced and interpreted in terms of L i -subshell photoionization cross sections, fluorescence and Coster-Kronig yields, and x-ray emission rates. The L 2 -subshell x-ray cross sections for 57 La measured using targets of lanthanum ͑III͒ fluoride and dilanthanum ͑III͒ trioxide are found to be unusually higher. The enhancement is observed due to the contribution of the L 2 -subshell radiative resonant Raman scattering ͑RRS͒ of Mn K␣ x rays having energy around the L 2 -subshell binding energy of 57 La in these compounds. Also, the observed enhancement of the L 3 -subshell x-ray cross sections in 57 La is suggestive of intrashell vacancy transfer via L 2 -L 3 Coster-Kronig RRS transitions. The L 2 -subshell total RRS cross sections in 57 La have been deduced from the present measured attenuation coefficients for Mn K␣ x rays in La 2 O 3 and LaF 3 . The L 2 -subshell radiative and total RRS cross sections in 57 La using LaF 3 are higher by ϳ30% than those using La 2 O 3 . The contribution of processes predicted in the framework of Mozouchi's four-band model involving inner subshells along with the valence and conduction bands of these wide-band-gap insulator compounds is likely to account for the observed results. The L 2 -subshell radiative and L 2 -L 3 Coster-Kronig yields and the ratio of the L 2 -M 4 and L 2 -N 4 radiative RRS intensities in both La compounds are found to be same and are consistent with values from photoexcited vacancy decay. The L 2 -subshell radiative RRS was also observed to be isotropic. a As E Ka2 ͑Mn͒ Ͻ B L2 ͑La͒ Ͻ E K␣1 ͑Mn͒, the La L 2 subshell will be ionized by the Mn K␣ 1 x ray only.