Vitamin D3 has been shown to be effective in the treatment of PCOS. However,
due to its poor solvability and bioavailability, effective time is delayed
and dosage requirements are increased. In our previous study, we
demonstrated that PhytoSolve containing VD3 is more effective than vitamin
D3 alone in the treatment of PCOS. In this study, we aimed to investigate
the effect of this vitamin D3 formulation on gene expression involved in
implantation in patients with PCOS.
To create PhytoSolve, Lipid S75, glycerol, and MCT oil were combined using a
sonicator probe. Six groups, each consisting of 36 female Naval Medical
Research Institute (NMRI) mice, were included in the following groups:
control; sham; PCOS; PhytoSolve; PhytoSolve containing VD3; and vitamin D3.
The mice were given DHEA injections to induce PCOS. After administering
PhytoSolve containing VD3 and vitamin D3 by gavage for one week from the
day of model creation, the female mice were mated and
endometrial tissue was collected for analysis of
proteins and
Compared to the group receiving vitamin D3 alone, the group receiving
PhytoSolve containing vitamin D3 showed a significant increase in the
expression of LIF, β-integrin, and HOXA10 genes
<0.05). Although there was an increase in the
expression of β-integrin and HOXA10 proteins in the group given
PhytoSolve containing vitamin D3 compared to the group given vitamin D3,
this increase was not significant. However, the increase in LIF protein
expression in the group given PhytoSolve containing vitamin D3 was
significant when compared to the group given vitamin D3
The use of PhytoSolve containing vitamin D3 was more effective than vitamin
D3 alone. The PhytoSolve formulation might be a useful solution for
medications with limited solubility and bioavailability.