Purpose. The aim of this study was to assess production and management practices and technologies used by farmers for tomato and potato production, as well as their productivity.
Methodology / approach. This research was conducted in Ziway-Dugda and Tiyo districts of Arsi Zone in Oromia National Regional State of Ethiopia during 2022 cropping season. Data were collected from 400 households in 10 kebeles (local administrative unit) of both districts using Kobo toolbox from respondents through face-to-face interview and descriptive analysis using SPSS version 22.
Results. The results of the study showed that farmers in the study areas used different pre-harvest practices. These include cultivation tools and methods, planting locations, tomato staking, potato hilling and irrigation practices to successfully grow vegetables and increase land productivity by rotating different crops on their land. Various diseases, weeds and insects have been observed on their farms, which were managed by cultural, agronomic, mechanical and chemical management practices on tomato and potato farms during the last cropping years in the study districts. Thus, majority farmers in the study areas have used insecticides and fungicides on tomato and potato farms; but most of the weeds were removed by hand weeding. Most tomato and potato farmers have determined the type of chemical and its use from their own previous experience, in consultation with salespeople and extension agents in their regions. However, the study results showed that there are unused production and management practices for tomato and potato cultivation by some farmers. There are many production and management practices and technologies used by farmers to improve vegetable productivity in the study areas, although some farmers did not adopt improved production and management technologies, resulting in reduced production, which requires future interventions to increase their capacity through training and technology adoption.
Originality / scientific novelty. This study stands out in the field of production and management practices and technologies used by smallholder tomato and potato producers due to its innovative approach and unique contribution to existing knowledge and skills. While previous studies have examined the relationship between production and management practices and technologies in an agricultural context, particularly focusing on state farms, our study focuses on small-scale tomato and potato producers. Through our thorough case study research and interview structure, we not only deepened our understanding of production and management practices in the agricultural sector, but also provided practical recommendations for improving the efficiency and sustainability of small-scale tomato and potato producers on different farms/fields.
Practical value / implications. The findings of this study can be used to develop recommendations for policy makers and researchers on how to improve labour productivity in the future Thus, the policy focuses on developing strategies for producers to adopt modern production and management practices and technologies, raising farmers’ awareness of available technologies, improving management practices and increasing crop productivity in the study area.