CASBEE Wellness Office, a tool assessing buildings and workplaces in terms of worker health, workplace productivity, and resilience, has been in operation since 2019 and has certified more than 90 properties in Japan. In this study, the trends of certified properties were analyzed. Most of them were accredited with high ranks, S or A. CASBEE allows self‐certification, and properties with high potential tend to be applied for third‐party certification. Buildings occupied or owned by a single company tend to have higher scores than buildings with multiple tenants. Among buildings with multiple tenants, those with larger floor areas tend to be accredited with higher scores. In some categories of the assessment systems, it might be easier to obtain higher scores for large‐scale properties, such as serving various refreshment spaces. Questionnaire surveys using the CASBEE Office Health Checklist were conducted on properties evaluated by the CASBEE Wellness Office. A strong correlation was identified between the scores. Owing to the evident correlations between the CASBEE Office health checklist, workplace productivity, and worker health, it can be concluded that the CASBEE Wellness Office can appropriately measure the planning and operation of properties in terms of worker performance related to wellness.