The direct-current circuit breaker (DCCB) is the most ideal choice for DC fault isolation in DC grids. Despite a late start, China's research and development on the DCCB have made outstanding achievements. This article provides a brief glance of current China's DCCB development status. It begins by sorting out the technical route according to the topology of DCCB. Then it systematically summarises both mechanical and hybrid DCCBs with focussing on the aspects of topology structure and principle, key technology and characteristics, prototype development and application. It is apparent that Chinese scientists and engineers confronted the worldwide problem of large capacity DC breaking, and put forward a comprehensive solution which consists of an innovative topology structure based on coupled negative voltage circuit, breaking throughs on the key technologies such as highly controllable and reliable fault current commutation, millisecond-level ultra-fast and efficient electromagnetic repulsion mechanism, high tolerance and high stability power electronic switch, low residual voltage and fast response energy consumption device, etc. The article states that the world's first set of hybrid high-voltage (HV) DCCB, and the first set of mechanical HV DCCB have been developed. These DCCBs will soon be deployed to the DC grids which have the highest voltage levels therefore require the strongest breaking capacity. These achievements are leading the world in the development and application of DCCB. The article also discusses the overall development trends of DCCB in the areas of new topologies, key technological breakthroughs and application scenarios, etc. These discussions serve as references for DCCB's future technological advancement and its ever-expanding applications. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.