E xperim ental D e term in atio n of Liq u efied P etroleum G a s -G a s o lin e M ixtu res Knock R esistanceThe results o f previous experimental researches showed that great advantages can he achieved, both in terms o f fuel consumption and pollutant emissions, in bifuel vehicles by means o f the double-fuel combustion, i.e., the simultaneous combustion o f gasoline and a gaseous fuel, such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or natural gas (NG). The substantial increase in knock resistance pursued by adding LPG to gasoline, which allowed to main tain an overall stoichiometric proportion with air also at fu ll load, is not documented in the scientific literature and induced the authors to perform a proper experimental cam paign. The motor octane number (MON) o f LPG-gasoline mixtures has been hence deter mined on a standard cooperative fuel research (CFR) engine, equipped with a double fuel injection system in order to realize different proportions between the two fuels and electronically control the overall air-fuels mixture. The results o f the measurement show a quadratic dependence o f the MON o f the mixture as function o f the LPG concentration evaluated on a mass basis, with higher increase fo r the lower LPG content. A good linear relation, instead, has been determined on the basis o f the evaluated LPG molar fraction. The simultaneous combustion o f LPG and gasoline may become a third operative mode o f bifuel vehicles, allowing to optimize fuel economy, performances, and pollutant emissions; turbocharged bifuel engines could strongly take advantage o f the knock resistance o f the fuels mixture thus adopting high compression ratio (CR) both in pure gas and double-fuel mode, hence maximizing performance and reducing engine size. The two correlations determined in this work, hence, can be useful fo r the design offuture bifuel engines running with knock safe simultaneous combustion o f LPG and gasoline.