Excellent osseointegration of biomaterial is very important for the stability of dental implants in clinical fi eld. Much has been learned about this concept and signifi cant improvements on the design and surface modifi cation of implants have been done in the implant dentistry. Recently, some clinical studies have also reported that low-intensity pulsed ultrasound Irradiation (LIPUS) might enhance the osseointegration (bone-bonding) by means of X-ray radiographic evaluation. We have already reported that the LIPUS could accelerate the bone-like hydroxyapatite precipitation on the bioactive material surface, which corresponds to osseointgration function. In this review, the mechanism of osseointegration enhanced by LIPUS was presented by the data of our in vitro and in vivo study on hydroxyapatite surface using a Scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffraction analysis. This review suggested that the formation of bone-like apatite on material surface is very important for rapid and fi rm osseointegration success, which might depend on the initial epitaxial nucleation and crystal growth of apatite on the surface, and LIPUS could activate this crystallization process.