High efficiency low-voltage power amplifier design by second-harmonic manipulation, Int J RF Microw Adaptive digital feedback predistortion technique for linearizing power amplifiers, IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech 55 (2007), 932-940. 8. J. Kim, C. Park, J. Moon, and B. Kim, Analysis of adaptive digital feedback linearization techniques, IEEE Trans Circuits Syst I, in press.ABSTRACT: This article presents the investigation of frequency and temporal coherence properties of distributed Bragg reflector laser. In this scheme, a square-waveform voltage is applied to the phase section of the laser to tune optical wavelength, and delayed optical heterodyne technique is used for the analysis of spectral characteristics. Experiments show that lightwaves emitted from the same active region asynchronously are partially frequency and temporal coherent. When the two wavelengths are closer, the two waves are strongly coherent, and the coherence properties get weak as the delay time increases.