Background: Anemia is a global public health problem affecting both developing and developed countries at all ages. Iron deficiency is common cause of anemia. It is either poor intake or chronic gastrointestinal bleeding. Goal of this study is to identify the prevalence of upper GI lesions, identified by OGDscopy in patients in anemia with or without gastrointestinal symptoms.
Methods: In this prospective study we analysed data of 100 patients who underwent OGDscopy procedure in tertiary care centre. On OGDscopy study 33% had normal GIT and 67% had GI lesions majority were erosive gastritis, erosive oesophagitis gastric and duodehal ulcers, other lesions like congestive gastropathy reflux oesophagitis and malignant lesions like carcinora of stomach and carcinora of oesophagus.
Conclusion: OGDscopy procedure is essential in evaluating lesions of upper gastrointestinal tract in anemia for diagnostic and therapeutic purpose.