Background:Recently, there have been many studies on the harmful effects of radia on and the regula ons on radia on safety have been toughened both at the in na on and abroad. This study aims to iden fy the percep ons and ac ons taken as to radia on safety, and the degree of knowledge related to radia on held by the radiologists working in large hospitals. Materials and Methods: The research tool used in this study is a structured ques onnaire. It is consisted of three parts. The first part was about demographic characteris cs with 10 ques ons. The second part was about basic knowledge with 15 ques ons. The third part was about the percep ons and ac ons with 10 ques ons each. The data was sta s cally analyzed by t-test, ANOVA and I-P analysis. Results: First, the more educa on the study subjects received, their knowledge of radia on increased even though the result was not sta s cally significant. Second, there was a sta s cally significant difference in rela on to the gender and the age group in safety management prac ces. The degree of safety management prac ce was higher among the men than the women. Third, there was a sta s cally significant difference at the significant level of 5 percent in all 10 ques ons on the radia on safety management and the degree of prac ce. Conclusion: Since there is a growing importance on the radia on safety management, it is impera ve to tailor educa onal programs to trainees' gender, age, educa onal level and duty in order to make the educa on program for radia on professionals more teleological.