This review highlights the scope for integrating green nanoparticle-based drug-delivery systems with Ayurveda and presents a compelling opportunity to bridge ancient healing wisdom with modern scientific advancements by bringing forward the recent advancements in the field of Ayurveda and nanomedicine. Combining the principles of Ayurveda with green nanoparticles offers an eco-friendly approach to drug delivery, aligning with Ayurvedic emphasis on natural remedies and sustainable practices. This convergence could lead to the development of envi-ronmentally conscious therapeutic solutions. The potential for enhanced therapeutic efficacy through targeted delivery of Ayurvedic bioactive compounds using green nanoparticles holds promise. This could potentially optimize treatment outcomes and reduce side effects, aligning with Ayurveda’s holistic approach to healing. By encapsulating Ayurvedic ingredients within green nanoparticles, the bioavailability and stability of herbal compounds can be addressed, po-tentially unlocking their full therapeutic potential. This aligns with Ayurvedic teachings on opti-mal absorption and assimilation of remedies. The personalized and targeted approach of Ayur-veda, combined with the precision of green nanoparticle-based drug delivery, could usher in a new era of individualized medicine. This convergence represents a powerful example of how the synergy between traditional knowledge and scientific progress can drive transformative ad-vancements in medicine.