“…Many parameters in#uence the endothermic reaction, such as (i) the type and amount of catalyst since it is catalytic reaction; (ii) the amount of acetone in reactant mixture; (iii) the reaction temperature; (iv) the speed of the stirrer in the case of mixing batch reactor and (v) the type of the reactor. Though studies have reported the performance of 2-propanol acetone hydrogen system (Kim et al, 1992;Doi and Tanaka, 1992;Taneda et al, 1995;Doi et al, 1995;Cunningham et al, 1996;Doi et al, 1997), this article presents the results of laboratory-scale experiments on dehydrogenation of 2-propanol in the presence of 10 wt% Ru}Pt/activated C catalyst (Walaiporn, 1999). The in#uence of reaction temperature, catalyst concentration, heating temperature, amount of acetone in liquid reactant and nitrogen #ow on the reaction process have been observed and is discussed in the following sections.…”