Hollow porcelain insulators in substations are frequently confronted with rain flashovers under extreme rainfall. This study aims to investigate the spatial and temporal variation of electric fields between hollow porcelain insulator sheds affected by dynamic deformation of pendant water drops and effects of the dimensionless number of fluids, the Weber number (We) and the electric Bond number (Bo E ), on it for influencing factors' analysis. Flowelectric field coupling simulations were carried out to compute the magnitude and the position of AC electric fields between the sheds. The results show that the maximum electric field at a point in time (E tmax ) increases significantly after the breakup of the pendant water drop, and its position alters accordingly. For low We and Bo E , the global maximum electric field (E gmax ) increases with increasing We and Bo E , respectively. It is much closer to the adjacent sheds and occurs later than E tmax at the breakup of the pendant water drop (E bmax ). By contrast, E gmax decreases in different degrees at high We and Bo E , respectively. There is little difference between E gmax and E bmax in the position and the occurring time. The influence mechanism on the maximum electric field and discharges and the relationship between discharges induced by the pendant water drop and rain flashover are discussed.
K E Y W O R D S dynamic deformation, electric field, hollow porcelain insulators, pendant water drop, rain flashoverThis is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.