Yams are increasingly recognized for their good health benefits as people increasingly focus on healthy eating and wholesome eating. However, the high cost of yam cultivation and harvesting, as well as the limited level of mechanization, severely restricted the development of the industry. For this deep rhizomatous, brittle, and breakable yam crop, mechanized harvesting is prone to breakage, skin breakage, and low damage rates to the intact crop. In this paper, we have analyzed the characteristics of yam, the current situation of the yam economy in China, the development of mechanized techniques for yam harvesting at home and abroad, and the constraints. In addition, the development of casing yam cultivation techniques and mechanization of harvest is also promising. It mainly introduced plowshare furrow openers, disc furrow openers, spiral furrow openers and chain furrow openers, double-row chain yam planting and harvesting machines, spiral yam harvesting and planting machines, fully hydraulically suspended single-row yam harvesters and vibrating yam harvesters.