Nowadays, Mg-based amorphous alloys are very attractive materials used in industries such as the automotive, aviation and medical industries. This group of bulk metallic glasses has specific properties such as corrosion resistance, strength and stiffness that are higher than those of crystalline ones. Also, Mg-based amorphous alloys are characterized by their high glass-forming ability, low density, good ductility, light weight, low cost, and good thermal and electrical conductivities. This work presents the basic information regarding metallic glasses. The project was focused on Mg-based bulk metallic glasses. The work shows the results of a differential thermal analysis (DTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and calorimetric surveys that determined the temperature at the beginning and at the end of crystallization. X-ray studies were performed and they confirmed the formation of the alloy's amorphous structure. The results of cross-sectional SEM and EDS were presented using a scanning electron microscope. This confirmed the homogeneity of the chemical composition and the structure of amorphous samples in the form of a plate with a thickness of 1 mm and a width of 5 mm. The value of the average sample microhardness is 295 HV. Keywords: bulk metallic glasses, Mg-based amorphous alloys, SEM, XRD, microhardness Dandanes so amorfne zlitine zelo atraktiven material, ki se uporablja v industriji, kot je npr.: avtomobilska, letalska ter medicinska industrija. Ta skupina kovinskega stekla ima specifi~ne lastnosti, kot so npr.: odpornost proti koroziji, zdr`ljivost in togost, precej bolj{e kot kristalna skupina. Prav tako je za amorfne zlitine na osnovi Mg zna~ilna njihova visoka sposobnost oblikovanja stekla, nizka gostota, dobra duktilnost, majhna te`a, nizki stro{ki in dobre toplotne in elektri~ne prevodnosti. Delo predstavlja osnovno informacijo o kovinskih steklih. Projekt je bil fokusiran na masivnih kovinskih steklih na osnovi magnezija. Delo prikazuje rezultate diferencialne termalne analize (angl. DTA) in diferen~ne dinami~ne kalorimetrije (angl. DSC), kolori-metri~nimi analizami, ki so dolo~ile temperaturo na za~etku in na koncu kristalizacije. Izvedene so bile rentgenske {tudije, ki so potrdile nastanek amorfne strukture zlitine. Rezultati pre~nega prereza SEM in EDS so bile predstavljene s pomo~jo skeniranja z elektronskim mikroskopom. To je potrdilo homogenost struktur kemijske sestave in amorfnih vzorcev v obliki plo{~e z debelino 1 mm in {irine 5 mm. Vrednost mikrotrdote povpre~nega vzorca je 295 HV. Klju~ne besede: masivna kovinska stekla, amorfne zlitine na bazi Mg, SEM, XRD, mikrotrdota A. KILJAN et al.: PROPERTIES AND STRUCTURES OF BULK METALLIC GLASSES BASED ON MAGNESIUM Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 563-567 567 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967-2017) -50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 8: Results of the measured microhardness for three samples of Mg 65 Cu 25 Y 10