We investigate photoproduction of axial vector meson f 1 ð1285Þ based on the CLAS experiment γp → pf 1 ð1285Þ → pηπ þ π − using the Regge model for ρ 0 þ ω exchanges. The combined analysis of γp → pη 0 → pηπ þ π − reaction including ηð1295Þ is accompanied to evaluate the decay mode ηð1295Þ → ηπ þ π − from the potential overlap with the f 1 reaction. The predominance of ρ 0 ð770Þ exchange over the ωð782Þ with the coupling constant γρ 0 f 1 extracted from the CLAS experiment leads to a good description of the measured cross sections for f 1 , while the scale of the cross section is corrected by the branching fraction η 0 → ηπ þ π − and f 1 → ηπ þ π − , respectively. As an extension to study the nonmesonic production mechanism, the Primakoff effect by the virtual photon exchange is investigated in the exclusive reaction γp → pf 1 up to ffiffi ffi s p ≈ 50 GeV, playing role similar to the Pomeron in the vector meson photoproduction at high energies. Such a unique role of the virtual photon exchange similar to the f 1 case is identified up to ffiffi ffi s p ≈ 250 GeV in the γp → pπ 0 and γp → pη as well as γp → pη 0 reactions.