The slipperiless of 血 clhled floors is very important performance item for h. urnan from a viewpoint of safety in eVery mOVement . In former report , anthers presented the method to evaluate the slipper 血 es50f 血 cl血 ed floors in going up and down a 皿 dch ε Lng 血 g direction . In this report , a 皿 ther present the method to evaluate he slipPeriness of iucltned noors j 皿 go血 g across , dealing with the coeHicient of shp resistance , C . S. R ・ Li, detected by slip meter named ℃ − Y ・ Pull Slip Metei " developed by auther et . al . Finely , auther present the method to evaluate the slipperiness of various hlcli 皿 ed floors ge ロ er411y i 皿 every movement such as going up and dow11 , gohlg across , changing direction a 皿 d hl every factors such as sex , age , shoes , Keywords ; inciniedfioors, 5 珈 P θ r 加 θ 珮 即 加 8 θ α 055 , salretM generalevaluation method