The parameterization of the dynamic system using discrete time delta operator provides a unified framework for modeling, analysis, and control leading to continuous time results from its discrete time description at high sampling limit. Indirect field oriented control (IFOC) of three-phase induction motor based on current source inverter (CSI) is popular for medium voltage applications because of its advantages of simpler circuit, power reversal capacity, and a better short circuit protection over voltage source inverter. In this paper, a high performance CSI fed IFOC is proposed based on closed loop Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) control using AC hysteresis. In this approach, both the flux and torque controller are implemented in delta operator parameterization using MATLAB/Simulink. It has been seen that, at the sampling time ฮ=0.1 second, the delta operator response characteristics map to its continuous time counterparts on one to one basis. It exhibits the usefulness of the proposed method, which completely eliminates the existence of shift operator based digital control topologies for IFOC based induction motor control.