The vibration problem influences the precision of the equipment. However, some vibration isolation systems (VISs) with the perfect theoretical and simulation results are still unable to suppress the vibration well, resulting in the damage during the operation, such as the phenomenon of fragments for the end effector of a glass substrate handling robot. Therefore, this paper focuses on the glass substrate handling robot in actual production and simplifies the VIS into a 2D (2 degree) system. From the analysis of the deviation of material parameters and installation deviations between vibration isolators, this paper concludes that, as long as there is a deviation, the vibration isolation performance of the system will be reduced. Through the mutually verified theory, simulation, and experimental structure, this paper also presents that the resonance frequency increase factor of the vibration isolation system is approximately the deviation. As for the end effector, the distance of the two vibration isolations is 579.4 mm. The change of the load does not change the isolation frequency of the same system, but the resonance amplitude will increase. The results of this study can supervise the installation and selection of vibration isolators in VISs. At the same time, the reasons for the weak vibration isolation performance of some systems are explained.