A modified two-path confocal microscope was used to obtain fluorescence images of a Nd:YAG microchip element in the presence of a tightly focused 808 nm pump beam. Based on the temperature-induced homogeneous line broadening, high-resolution (<1 µm, <1°C) thermal images of the pump volume and surroundings were obtained from the spatial variation of Nd 3+ linewidth. Based on this direct, pure optical and non-contact method, thermal gradients as low as 0.02°C/µm were detected at focal volume, this being in agreement with theoretical predictions. The thermal imaging technique here presented opens the possibility of accurate compensation of thermal effects for the development of stable and efficient microchip lasers.High-resolution thermal imaging is one of the most challenging tasks that modern micro/nano technology is nowadays facing. This implies the achievement of thermal images with a spatial resolution better than 1 µm and, at the same time, with a thermal accuracy better than 1°C. Such images are nowadays required in a large number of applications ranging from biology (temperature is known to be one the key parameters determining cell and tissue dynamics) [1, 2], to micro/nano electronics (where the detection of hot-points is a crucial issue toward the optimization of integrated circuits) [3,4]. In addition to all these fields, thermal imaging is also being required by photonics, especially