DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057668
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Study protocol for Running for health (Run4Health CP): a multicentre, assessor-blinded randomised controlled trial of 12 weeks of two times weekly Frame Running training versus usual care to improve cardiovascular health risk factors in children and youth with cerebral palsy

Abstract: IntroductionChildren and youth with moderate-severe (Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels II–V) cerebral palsy (CP) participate less frequently in physical activities compared with peers without CP and have elevated risk of cardiorespiratory morbidity and mortality in adulthood. Frame Running (RaceRunning) is a new athletics discipline that is an accessible option for physical activity participation for people with moderate-severe CP. There is no high-quality evidence for the effect of Fra… Show more

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Cited by 6 publications
(15 citation statements)
References 57 publications
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“…The primary study objective is to compare the effect of 12-weeks of Frame Running training, twice weekly, compared to usual care (waitlist control group) on cardiovascular fitness, assessed using i) the Six Minute Frame Runner Test (6MFRT, H1) and ii) 1-minute heart rate recovery (HRR1min) following exercise testing immediately at post-intervention (primary endpoint, T2) and at 12 weeks post-intervention (T3). 3 Secondary objectives are to compare the effect of 12 weeks of Frame Running training versus usual care (waitlist control group) at T2 and T3 on: iii) gross motor function (GMFM), iv) The tertiary aim of this study is to evaluate effectiveness of implementation by identifying the number of athletes who continue to train in the community at 3-month post follow-up, including participation frequency of attendance and level of involvement, and barriers and facilitators to community Frame Running on the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) based questionnaire and qualitative interview at study exit. 29 Trial Design Run4Health CP is a pragmatic, single (assessor)-blind randomized waitlist controlled, multicentre trial with two parallel groups.…”
Section: Objectivesmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…The primary study objective is to compare the effect of 12-weeks of Frame Running training, twice weekly, compared to usual care (waitlist control group) on cardiovascular fitness, assessed using i) the Six Minute Frame Runner Test (6MFRT, H1) and ii) 1-minute heart rate recovery (HRR1min) following exercise testing immediately at post-intervention (primary endpoint, T2) and at 12 weeks post-intervention (T3). 3 Secondary objectives are to compare the effect of 12 weeks of Frame Running training versus usual care (waitlist control group) at T2 and T3 on: iii) gross motor function (GMFM), iv) The tertiary aim of this study is to evaluate effectiveness of implementation by identifying the number of athletes who continue to train in the community at 3-month post follow-up, including participation frequency of attendance and level of involvement, and barriers and facilitators to community Frame Running on the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) based questionnaire and qualitative interview at study exit. 29 Trial Design Run4Health CP is a pragmatic, single (assessor)-blind randomized waitlist controlled, multicentre trial with two parallel groups.…”
Section: Objectivesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Frame Running training and related assessments will be conducted at synthetic athletics tracks in the community or nearby associated indoor sports facilities at a time convenient to participants. 3 Randomisation will be stratified according to GMFCS (II-III/IV-V) and site (Brisbane vs Gold Coast, vs Sunshine Coast vs Cairns vs Perth vs Sydney), with 1:1 assignment to the intervention group (Frame Running training) or waitlist control group (usual care). Recruitment and implementation of this updated protocol will commence in July, 2023 following enrolment of 12 participants to the pilot study.…”
Section: Objectivesmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Recent protocol studies (18)(19)(20) have provided a well-organized methodology for feasibility studies. Future studies can therefore shed light on the effects of FR practice on risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and functional mobility.…”
Section: Health and Quality Of Lifementioning
confidence: 99%