Abstract.Composite materials have a unique combination of mechanical and thermal characteristics. This allows you to create lightweight, durable, heat-resistant design. In the article the common features for all space composite structures were highlighted. The article deals with the thermophysical problems arising in the design of space composite structures associated with strict requirements for their weight and functional efficiency. The feasibility of using combined heat transfer models to improve design accuracy has been shown.
Space antenna reflectors
Evolution of onboard space antennasThe first satellites were equipped with non-directional rod antennas, so to receive their weak signals large receiving ground antennas were required. Exploration of the solar system (first Venus and Mars, then Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Mercury), as well as the development of the high-apogee elliptical orbits and geostationary orbit (GEO) called for devices to concentrate the radio waves -reflectors. As a rule, reflectors are open, gently sloped parabolic shells. Today reflectors can be fixed-shape, adaptive, shape-shifting within a predetermined range and transformable, with the antenna aperture diameter being much greater than that of the launch vehicle fairing (typically over 4 meters). Reflectors operate in L, Ka, Ku, V, and Q bands in 1-70 GHz range for the stationary and mobile "land -board of the satellite -land" radio communication, as well as the inter-satellite communication.In space reflectors are unevenly heated by the heat radiation from the Sun and the Earth, which causes thermal deformations and shape deviation. To enhance the shape stability, a three-layer layout is most commonly used, where two thin composite shells are joined together by honeycombs of metal foil. Frames on the convex surface are used to increase the structural stiffness and to fix the reflector to the spacecraft. The areal density of the threelayer reflectors is 3.5-5.0 kg/m 2 . A different layout, where ribs are positioned on the convex surface, enables stiff structures with a still lower areal density. Modern communication satellites are often equipped with several reflectors, so a lower areal density can noticeably decrease the structure weight. However, the choice of the ribs arrangement, shape, height and thickness requires further research.