“…(2) that, at any discontinuity point ξ of the function σ(x), we have On the coefficients p(x) and Q(x) and the functions f(x, u) we impose the following conditions: (i) p(x) and Q(x) are σ absolutely continuous on ; (ii) the function p(x) is positive and bounded away from zero; (iii) the function Q(x) does not decrease on ; (iv) f(x, u) satisfies the Carathéodory condition, i.e., (a) for each fixed u, the function f(x, u) is σ mea surable; (b) f(x, u) is continuous in u for all x ∈ [0; ᐉ]; (c) there exists a function m(x) such that some power p ∈ [1, ∞) of this function is σ integrable and |f(x, u)| ≤ m(x) for almost all x (in the sense of the σ measure) and u. The latter requirement ensures that the superposition operator [Fu](x) = f(x, u(x)) is a con tinuous operator from the space C[0; ᐉ] of continuous functions in [0; ᐉ] to the space L p, σ ([0; ᐉ]) of functions σ integrable to some power p in [0; ᐉ].In[9,10], it was proved that, under conditions (i)-(iii), the linear problem (with f(x, u) = f(x), where f(x) is a σ integrable function) is solvable in the class E and the linear boundary value problem Lu = f, u(0) = u(ᐉ) = 0 has a unique influence function…”