“…Stuttering can be substantially reduced (i.e., ∼55%-70%) when reading while listening to speech that is not linguistically matched to the speech being produced. Exogenous speech signals that have proven effective for this purpose include fluent speech and stuttered speech, continuous vowels, and dynamic vowel trains (Kalinowski, Dayalu, Stuart, Rastatter, & Rami, 2000), intermittent vowels , reversed stuttered speech (Kalinowski, Saltuklaroglu, Guntupalli, & Stuart, 2004), temporally expanded speech (Guntupalli, Kalinowski, Saltuklaroglu, & Nanjundeswaran, 2005), and even sine wave analogs of speech (Saltuklaroglu & Kalinowski, 2006). Furthermore, simply viewing another person silently mouth the same material also inhibits stuttering by ∼70% (Kalinowski, Stuart, Rastatter, Snyder, & Dayalu, 2000), demonstrating that this phenomenon is not limited to the acoustic domain.…”