Figure 1: Shapes drawn with stylized lines using self-similar textures. The bird (above) is a purely 2D figure, while lines are extracted from a 3D model of a horse (below). At different scales the lines appear qualitatively similar, and transitions exhibit temporal coherence.
AbstractStylized line rendering for animation has traditionally traded-off between two undesirable artifacts: stroke texture sliding and stroke texture stretching. This paper proposes a new stroke texture representation, the self-similar line artmap (SLAM), which avoids both these artifacts. SLAM textures provide continuous, infinite zoom while maintaining approximately constant appearance in screenspace, and can be produced automatically from a single exemplar. SLAMs can be used as drop-in replacements for conventional stroke textures in 2D illustration and animation. Furthermore, SLAMs enable a new, simple approach to temporally coherent rendering of 3D paths that is suitable for interactive applications. We demonstrate results for 2D and 3D animations.