A non-perturbative one gluon exchange quark-antiquark interaction is considered to compute one loop polarization corrections to the flavor U(3) NJL-type interaction with non degenerate u-d-s constituent quark masses of the form Gij,Γ( ψλiΓψ)( ψλj Γψ) for i, j = 0...8 and Γ = I, iγ5. The effective NJL-type coupling constants in all channels are resolved in the long-wavelength limit and numerical results are presented for different choices of the effective gluon propagator. In most cases, there are similar patterns for different effective gluon propagators, in particular a very large enhancement of pseudoscalar mixing G08, that corresponds to the η − η ′ mixing channel, in the very large strange constituent quark mass limit M * s → ∞. Scalar channel couplings Gij,s are weaker than pseudoscalar ones, channel G88,s becomes eventually repulsive, and present less systematic behavior. Large mixing parameters of the scalar channels G i =j,s are also obtained but already for phenomenological values of constituent quark masses depending on the gluon propagator.