The flavor SU(3) f group symmetry of QCD is systematically considered as the heavy c quark limit of SU(4) f . Within that scheme we argue that the U(1)A anomaly prevents Gell-Mann's choice for the realization of the su(4) f (and thereby the su(3) f ) algebra for the particular case of the neutral axial currents. Rather, Weyl's choice for the SU(4) f generators has to be used which leads to a neutral strong axial current having same structure (up to a constant factor) as the weak one. PACS: 11.30.Hv, 11.40.Ex, 12.39.Jh KEY words: flavor symmetry, hypercharge axial current, U(1)A anomalyThe SU(3) f flavor symmetry is one of the most important concepts of contemporary hadron physics. It has its roots in the empirical observation that the lowest mass pseudoscalar mesons and spin-1/2 baryons join to octets, while the lightest spin-3/2 baryons and the lightest vector mesons constitute a decuplet, and a nonet, respectively. From this point of view the existence of the first three fundamental flavor degrees of freedom of hadron matter, the u, d, and s quarks, has been concluded. After the discovery of the charmed (c) quark, the extension of SU(3) f to SU(4) f was considered despite of the apparent mismatch between the mass of the c quark on the one side, and the masses of the u, d, and s quarks, on the other side. Nonetheless, this extension is useful because the SU(4) f group represents a symmetry operation acting onto two complete quark generations and thus has common representations with the electroweak symmetry. Henceforth, the SU(3) f group which still preserved its importance as the relevant flavor symmetry of QCD, will be considered to emerge in the heavy c-quark limit of SU(4) f .The algebra of the four-flavor special unitary group is determined by the fifteen generators G i satisfying the commutation relationsNote that the structure constants(they are completely antisymmetric in the indices i, j, and k) depend on the explicit realization of the generators G i as linearly independent traceless Hermitian operators.The most natural realization of an su(n) Lie algebra is constructed within the (n 2 -1)-dimensional basis defined in terms of the matrices E ik as [1]In other words, E ik is a matrix containing the unit at the intersection between the kth row and the ith column, while all the other matrix elements are equal to zero. For the diagonal matrices E ′ tt one finds (E ′ tt ) tt = 1, and (E ′ tt ) t+1,t+1 = −1, respectively. The so-called Weyl choice for the SU(4) generators is now given by G r = E lm + E ml , r = 1, ..., 6, for l < m, m = 2, .., 4 ,Note that any set of 15 matrices obtained as linearly independent combinations of the Weyl matrices defined above can be considered as a realization of the su(4) f algebra. For example, one can construct a new su(4) f algebra in keeping all the non-diagonal elements unchanged while replacing the diagonal elements E ′ 11 , E ′ 22 and E ′ 33 by the respective matrices Λ 3 , Λ 8 , and Λ 15 introduced as 1