SYNOPSIS A patient is described in whom conduction block occurred in the ulnar nerve after a pressure palsy and persisted for 16 weeks. The unusually long delay in recovery is discussed.There have been surprisingly few electrophysiological studies of pressure palsies in man. Trojaborg (1970) reported the findings in a group of patients with different types of radial nerve injury. In 29 cases the lesion was due to pressure during sleep. Trojaborg confirmed that the nerve remained normally excitable below the lesion and inexcitable above, a situation found experimentally by Denny-Brown and Brenner (1944) to be due to local demyelination at the site of nerve pressure. Trojaborg found that clinical recovery occurred in six to seven weeks with restoration of conduction in the radial nerve.Recent experimental work in the baboon Ochoa et al., 1972) has shown that tourniquet palsies may be accompanied by a more prolonged conduction block, and Rudge (1974) has described a patient in whom conduction block lasted for 16 weeks after a tourniquet lesion of the median and ulnar nerves. That a similar delay in recovery due to prolonged conduction block can occur after a pressure palsy has been demonstrated by a recently studied patient. CASE REPORT J.M., a 29 year old business man, awoke with weakness of his right (dominant) hand. He was first seen one week later. Examination on that occasion revealed weakness (MRC grade 4) of all ulnar supplied muscles including flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum profundus. There was sensory disturbance in the ulnar territory with a two point (Accepted 15 August 1975.) threshold of 1.5-2 cm over the medial 1I fingers.There was no evidence of a generalized peripheral neuropathy. The patient was reviewed frequently until full functional recovery had occurred (20 weeks). He was then able to rock climb with no residual weakness in the fingers. Wasting was never obvious at any stage.ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL STUDIES At each visit, the ulnar nerve was stimulated at the wrist, elbow, and in the upper arm. The muscle action potential (map) evoked in abductor digiti minimi was recorded by surface electrodes. A sensory nerve action potential was recorded from the ulnar nerve at the wrist during stimulation of the digital nerves in the little finger (Gilliatt and Sears, 1958). A mixed nerve action potential was recorded from the ulnar nerve at the elbow during stimulation at the wrist (Gilliatt and Thomas, 1960).
RESULTSThe initial examination revealed a complete conduction block in the upper arm. The ulnar nerve was inexcitable higher than a point 2.5 cm above the cubital tunnel. Below this, the evoked MAP in the abductor digiti minimi measured 7.8 mV from the point of the elbow and 10 mV from the wrist. The motor conduction velocity (elbow to wrist) was 54 m/s (normal 49.0-65.6 m/s, Thomas et al., 1959), the sensory action potential was 17 ,uV (normal range 8-28 pV, Gilliatt and Sears, 1958), and the wrist to elbow volley 30 ,uV (normal range 33-117 ,uV, Gilliatt and Thomas, 1960