Deepening of floating potential has been observed on the tungsten target plate immersed in high-density helium plasma with hot electron component on the way to nanostructure formation. The physical mechanism is thought to be a reduction of secondary electron emission from such a complex nano fiber-form structure on the tungsten surface. Tungsten material is very important in terms of fusion reactors, especially plasma-facing component. Helium defects are the concerns when employing the tungsten for the divertor target and/or the first wall since helium is the fusion product and would be contained by around 10% of scrape-off layer plasmas in fusion devices. Recently the nano fiber-form structures have been identified on a variety of tungsten surface irradiated by helium or helium/deuterium mixture plasmas [1,2].The surface characteristics of thus formed tungsten plate would change compared with the flat non-damaged surface, for example, the radiation emissivity [3], the sputtering yield [4], the heat conduction [5], the discharge property [6] and so on. In this report the secondary electron emission (SEE) property will be discussed in relation to the floating potential which is important with respect to the impurity releases through physical sputtering and plasma heat flux.Nano fiber-form structured tungsten surfaces have been formed in a newly developed linear plasma generator AIT-PID [3,7] as shown in Fig. 1. In this device the high density helium plasmas have been produced with a hot electron component. The plasma density exceeds 1 × 10 18 m −3 and the bulk electron temperature (T c ) is about 4 eV, while the hot electron component with the fraction of roughly 8% has a temperature (T h ) of up to 40 eV. Such a two electron temperature plasma gives a deep floating potential ensuring a high ion impact energy which is important to form nanostructured tungsten surface. The floating potential is around −40 V with respect to the vacuum chamber, and the ion incident energy to the tungsten is 45 eV considering the plasma potential of around +5 V which is unchanged during the exposure. Such a high sheath voltage can be explained by the numerical analyauthor's e-mail: sis on the floating condition that the electron flux balances with the ion one, as shown in Fig. 2, which indicates that the value of 45 V is a little smaller than the theoretical prediction assuming a complete Maxwellian distribution for both electrons. Figure 3 shows the time evolutions of the floating potential and the tungsten surface temperature observed with a radiation thermometer with a fixed emissivity of 0.43. The drop of surface temperature comes from an increase of radiation emissivity and associated target cooling assuming a constant plasma heat flux onto the target, which was discussed in [3]. The floating potential changes rapidly from −40.0 down to −48.5 V during the period of large change in surface temperature, meaning a certain correlation with nanostructure formation.