Frequency pulling is a well-known phenomenon in standard laser physics, leading to a shift of the laser frequency when the cavity and maximum gain frequencies are detuned. In this letter we present the first experimental demonstration of frequency pulling in single-pass free-electron lasers. Measurements are performed using the single-pass free-electron laser installed on the Elettra storage ring.
PACS numbers:Frequency pulling is a well-known phenomenon in standard lasers, taking place when the peak of the gain spectrum is slightly detuned with respect to the frequency of one of the modes selected by the laser cavity. When this occurs, the lasing frequency is close to the one of the selected mode, but slightly "pulled" towards the maximum of the gain curve [1]. While generally investigated in the case of the continuous-wave operation of laser oscillators close to threshold, frequency-pulling has more recently become of interest also to other laser configurations [2]. As an example, the importance of frequency pulling for a correct estimate of the laser-pulse parameters in the case of a mode-locked laser has been theoretically predicted and experimentally confirmed in [3]. Moreover, frequency pulling has been exploited for the fine tuning of the laser frequency [4] and for beat-stabilization in multimode laser operations [5].In a free-electron lasers (FEL) [6], the light amplification is not due to the stimulated emission of an atomic system (like in standard lasers), but is instead relying on the coherent emission of relativistic electrons oscillating into a periodic magnetic field generated by an undulator. In the early days of FEL's, the study of frequency pulling has been focused on (low-gain) oscillator systems [6]. For such FEL configuration, the effect of frequency pulling is similar to that taking place in standard lasers: the laser frequency is determined by the interplay between the proper frequencies of the cavity and that for which the gain is maximum [7,8]. In the case of highgain FEL's [9], the light amplification takes place during a single-pass of the electrons through undulators, without the use of a laser cavity. This motivates the strong interest in single-pass FEL's: being optics-free devices, they offer the unique opportunity to provide coherent and powerful emission in the spectral range from VUV to x-rays. In fact, the coherence of a single-pass FEL can be drastically improved if, before emitting, electrons are brought into interaction with an external coherent "seed" source (e.g., a laser). As described more in detail in the following, such a seed determines the resonant frequencies at which the lasing effect occurs. Therefore, its action is somehow similar to the one of an optical cavity in standard lasers and oscillators FEL's. In a recent work [10], we have theoretically predicted that, also in seeded FEL's, a mismatch between the frequencies "selected" by the seed and the peak of the FEL gain curve may lead to a frequency-pulling effect. Based on numerical simulations, we proposed an ...