Artificial casein micelles were prepared at a casein concentration of 2.5% with various salt compositions, and the content of the casein aggregates cross-linked by colloidal calcium phosphate (CCP) was determined by high-performance gel chromatography on a TSK-GEL G4000SW column, using 6 M urea-simulated milk ultrafiltrate as the effluent. When phosphate was incorporated into calcium caseinate micelle systems, the casein aggregates cross-linked by CCP appeared. In these micelle systems, not all of the formed calcium phosphate seemed to participate in cross-linking, because part of the calcium phosphate was in the urea-insoluble form. When micelles were prepared at 30 mM calcium and 22 mM phosphate, the content of the casein aggregates crosslinked by CCP was higher in the presence of 10mM citrate than in the absence of citrate. The precipitate of calcium phosphate formed in the presence of citrate had cross-linking ability, whereas the precipitate formed in the absence of citrate did not. It is suggested that citrate plays an important role in cross-linking by CCP. Magnesium phosphate alone had no cross-linking ability. Magnesium increased the amount of calcium phosphate to promote cross-linking.
817Bovine casein micelles are highly hydrated and roughly spherical colloidal particles of 20 ~ 600 nm in diameter, which are heterogeneous in constititution. 1 ) They are composed of 93% casein and 7% inorganic constituents.The main casein constituents are iXs!-' iXs2 -' f3-and K-casein, in the proportions of about 3 : 0.8 : 3 : 1. The main constituent of inorganic matter is calcium phosphate, called colloidal calcium phosphate (CCP). CCP plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of casein micelles, because these micelles are disintegrated into submicelles when CCP is removed. 2 ) Although Schmidt!) has recently proposed a new model for the structure of casein micelles in which the micelles are composed of submicelles held together by means of CCP, no experimental evidence for the linkage between CCP and casein has been presented. In the previous study,3) we separated the casein aggregates cross-linked by CCP from reduced casein micelles by means of high-performance gel chromatography on a TSK-GEL G4000SW column, using 6 M urea-simulated milk ultrafiltrate (USMUF) as the effluent. In the present study, we have examined the crosslinking by CCP in artificial casein micelles which were prepared with various salt compositions in order to clarify the role of individual salt constituents.
MATERIALS AND METHODSPreparation of artificial casein micelles. Artificial casein micelles were prepared according to the method of Knoop et a1 4 } with minor modifications to give a final casein concentration of 2.5%. Whole casein. which was prepared from bulk milk from the university herd by the acid precipitation method, was dissolved in water by the gradual addition of 1 N sodium hydroxide ensuring that the pH did not exceed 7, and then the pH was adjusted to 6.7. Tke salt solutions used were I M calcium chloride, 1 M magnesiu...