Sustained casing pressure, otherwise known as casing-casing annulus (CCA) pressure, is a common problem encountered in the deep, high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) gas fields of Saudi Arabia, and in many other locations globally. Although many solutions have been tried in these fields over the years, none of the existing solutions have proven to be 100% effective. A new solution has recently been implemented in Saudi Arabian gas fields that features a combination of heavy-weight cement blends greater than 21ppg and a polymer resin to improve the mechanical properties of the cement, especially the shear bond, to prevent the CCA pressure. Polymer resin is also resistant to hydrocarbons, acids, and salts, enabling the cement-resin system to be placed in harsh environments. This resistance will help to maintain a dependable barrier throughout the life of the well.
This paper presents a case history of the application of this heavy-weight cement-resin (HWCR) system in the Saudi Arabia Harradh field where the failure of a differential valve (DV)packer meant that there would be no redundancy backup should the cement fail to provide a full barrier in the annulus. The paper describes the process used to design the HWCR system and how its application is critical to the success of the job.